look at Anas legs

look at Anas legs

Samstag, 19. Oktober 2013

Spinach diet

Spinach is very healthy and sooo delicious. ANDDDD it has very little calories. 100grams just have 19 calories.
The spinach diet allows you to eat as much spinach as you want as long as it doesn't go over 600- 900 kcal, depending on how strict you are.

hmmmmm so healthy and delicious. LOVE IT!!!

Baby food diet

Babyfood is healthy and a perfect Ana diet. If baby are brought up with it then it must be the best and most nutritious food. Its low in calories and a good way to eat and snack.

There are so many different tastes and types of baby food such as apple, fruit mix, pasta, vegetables etc. Just choose a mix for the day but make sure you don't eat more than 600cals.

Egg and low- fat quark diet

1 soft or hard boiled egg (85cals)

choose one of these options:
175g of low- fat quark with saccharin (112cals)
175g of low- fat quark with 1tomato and salt (127cals)

175g of low- fat quark with saccharin (112cals)
175g of low- fat quark with 1tomato and salt and herbs (127cals)

Total calorie intake for the day: 324- 339

Ana lives and eats healthy. She treats her body like a temple!

Ana DOES NOT miss out on important vitamins and minerals because it might have bad effects on her body. This is not what Ana wants. It is therefore VERY IMPORTANT that an real Ana eats different kinds of food and gives her body the best, and only the best of everything.
Since I am just starting to become a real Ana and Anas new best friend, I came up with a plan. I will have several diets and diet plans I can choose from. I will change my diet plans every week or a few times a week and will allow my body to take in all necessary nutrients, minerals, vitamins etc.

For example:
I will have a rice cake diet for 2 days, then I will switch to a 3 day egg and low- fat quark diet and then to a 1 day spinach diet and a 1 day fruit or vegetable diet.
So this adds up to a 7 days diet week and i got all my necessary nutrients to keep my body fit.
You can repeat this for the next week, change the days or change the diets. This gives you a variety of foods you can eat and makes it fun. ANA HERE WE COME!

The secret of coffee

Coffee gives you energy and makes you feel like you ate a meal. You need your energy because you are not getting it from food. So coffee whenever you feel like you are running out of energy or when you feel really tired and down. But be sure not to take a milk coffee as a cup has 67cals whereas a cup of coffee only has 2-5 cals. ITS NOTHING. DRINK AS MUCH AS YOU WANT.

You can even meet up with you friends to have a nice coffee.

Ana loves water and all other calorie poor drinks


Water makes you feel full. Ana drinks a lot of water, unsugared tee and diet drinks like diet coke. Try to drink as much water as you can as this not only makes you full but its also the secret to become a real beauty. It makes you skin nice and all models say: DRINK WATER.
Now you know their trick.

Anas rice cake diet

Rice cake are one of Anas most loved foods.

Rice cakes contain 386 cals per 100g. That might sound like a lot at first, but 100 grams of rice cakes is quite a lot- actually 13 slices.
A real Ana doesn't like to eat a lot, therefore rice cakes are a good food. You can tell people you are snacking because you love to eat and you eat so much. BUT in reality you eat nothing. You are a real Ana. I will try this rice cake diet myself. I will try to only eat 1 pack of rice cakes (13 slices, so 100g = 386cals), but if I don't manage at first I will eat 2 packs = 772cals. Might sound like a lot too for one day, but rome wasn't built in one day. I normally eat so much more so this is a big diet for me. Maybe i'll manage with 1 pack. AND of course I will go to the gym to burn off the calories I eat, because thats what Ana does.

Weight Diary

Weight Diary   Goal weight: 50 and less

19.10.2013 --> 61.7

Me = Ana Ana =Me

Hey everyone,
I am about the start my mission to finally become Anas best friend. Its a hard journey but I am sure everyone can become a real Ana. I have tried to be Anas friend for 2 years now but I always failed. This time everything will be different. I will show you and guide you through my and hopefully your journey to become a real Ana. I will record my food- and calorie intake, weight and exercises every day. I will become Anas best friend and a real Ana myself. AND YOU CAN DO THAT TOO!!!